About Us

We’re Sumer, your business champion

We’re a collaboration of the best in business services. We bring together the indispensable value of leading regional practices with the tech, scale and breadth of expertise that only a national organisation can muster. We call this ‘The Power of Collaboration’ – an approach that delivers growth for our entire organisation and all the businesses we serve.

But what does that mean?

First and foremost, it means we champion small to medium-sized businesses across the UK and Ireland.

From farmers to tech firms, retailers to charities - they are the businesses at the heart of our economy and communities. To us, they’re heroes.

To give them the support they deserve, we believe we need to do more than the established players that have gone before us.

We’re bringing together the best in business services. Uniting like-minded firms who share our vision.

We’re about combining leading regional practices with the tech, scale and breadth of expertise that only a national organisation can muster.

We’re about driving growth. Growth for our clients, growth for the companies in our group and growth for our people.

We're about an absolute commitment to the quality and value of our services. No matter who you are or what you do, you can always count on us to uphold the highest standards and deliver outstanding advice.

And, we take a similarly consistent stance on respect, kindness and inclusivity. People are the driving force behind our business, so we look after them.

Together, these actions breed trust – our license to operate.

Fundamentally, we’re all about doing the right things for the right reasons.

It’s a simple approach with a big ambition – a champion mindset that empowers businesses and communities.